July 28, 2013

Collection - Mom & Dad

Because today is the Parent's Day I gathered some songs about the lovely parents. 
Luv ya mom and dad :)

Ladies first! So let's begin with the songs about dear mom:

 Mama of the German artist called F-Raz (in the real life: Fahrang Raz..)

From Germany to Cuba - Madre by Orishas
 Then we will see how is it in Italian: 
Mamma  by singer/actress Milva
Mamo in Russian with the freaky video on the background where the singer 
Anastasia Prihodko gets old during the performance
Then the Finnish group called Värttinä sings about Maamo 

And I think I don't have to present you 
the Spanish Enrique Iglesias  
but today his singing about Mamacita 
Then to my very favorite: French Algerian band Les Boukakes singing Mama 

The one track by Spanish Haze (for real Sergio López Sanz) from Sevilla yay! 
Madre Amadisima - this isn't so rap as I'm used to hear from him. 

 Then we go a bit to the sideways for now it's about mother earth, but that's the same - mom is mom.
Mama Tierra by Macaco a Spanish band from Barcelona
Then we stay on the same subject
and let the German dancehall group 
Culcha Candela sing about Mother Eart
Salsa version of Madre interpreted by Colombian singer Yuri Buenaventura from guess where?
Yep, from Buenaventura.
Then my beloved Christophe Maé singing in French Maman
Check his other beautiful songs in my blog by cliking the name :)
Si maman si by France Gall also from France and with the clothes of 70's...
Because before mothers are moms they are always daughters first so lets take both.
Mothers and daughters interpreted by Belgian band Vaya Con Dios

And ladies and gentlemen! Daddies turn!

Tego Calderon from Puerto Rico sings to his dad: A mi papa 

Then a cheerful song about the dad who's head is not updated, his a bit untrendy. 
Then Daddy gives a piece of advice: Mon pere m'a dit by mostly French Zebda
Sorry for the quality of the sound, find more about Zebda in my blog by clicking the name :)
The without fathers wouldn't be sons and vice versa so: 
And in the end English blues and rock singer Joe Cocker
and his deep voice present 
My father's son

Post more links or songs if you know! :)