August 29, 2010


photo is from here
Alizée (Alizée Jacotey) is a French singer from Corse. Most of her songs are too sweet and shiny for me to listen (like J'ai pas 20 ans ("I'm not 20")). Nicely said they are too much for my ears. There are few songs that are on the limit:"JBG" (comes from "James Bond Girl") just because it's hilarious and the following song just because it differs from Alizées other songs.
Her latest and fourth album "Une enfant du siècle" ("Child of the century") was released this year.
She is married to the singer Jérémy Châtelain.

*C'est un dédale inextricable
Impénétrable aussi
C'est mon Maq... mon lit :
C'est mon maquis *

C'est un refuge, chambre sans vue
Où l'air est pur, si pur
Est mon Maq... mon lit :
C'est mon maquis

C'est un dédale inextricable
De rires, d'éclats aussi
C'est mon Maq... mon lit :
C'est mon maquis

C'est un repaire, sûr comme un père
Sentiers secrets, sentiers de verre
Petit frère... c'est... aussi
Ta chambre et ton maquis

*C'est un dédale...*

C'est un jardin, dont le chemin
Est bien le sien aussi
C'est mon Maq... mon ici
C'est mon maquis

Partager tout, parler de tout
Et protéger aussi
C'est mon Maq, ici
C'est son maquis

Chambre cachette, chambre avec couette
De pirouettes en marionnettes
Petit frère, toi ici
Moi, je suis ton amie.

*It's a confusing labyrinth
Impermeable also
It's my Re... my way:
It's my resistance *

It's a refuge, chamber without a window
Where the air is clear, so clear
It's my Re... my way:
It's my resistance

It's a confusing labyrinth
Of laughs, of sparkles also
It's my Re... here
It's my resistance

It's a cave, safe like a father
Secret paths, the paths of glace
Little brother... it's.. also
Your chamber and resistance

*It's a confusing labyrinth.. *

It's a garden, where the road
Is also yours
It's my Re.. here
It's my resistance

A hidden chamber, a chamber with the cover
Of pirouettes of marionettes
Little brother, for you here
I am your friend

August 26, 2010

Lars Winnerbäck

photo is from here
Lars Winnerbäck a Swedish singer, musician, composer and lyricist. Today he is one of the nominated in the ROCK BJÖRNEN AWARD competition. Let's hope he'll win. :) Though he has won many awards (Grammis-award and Evert Taube stipend...) before so also the others must win sometimes...

At first Winnerbäck played in a punk band called Snoddas. Later he started his own solo career. Winnerbäck's nineth album was released in sebtember 2009 and it's called "Tänk om jag ångrar mig och sen ångrar mig igen" ("Think if I regret and then regret again").

Now Winnerbäck is one of the most popular musicians in Sweden with his slow and beautiful songs with slightly bitter and regretful - fits for a northern man.

Winnerbäck has coworked i.a. with Laleh and Lisa Ekdahl.

This song is so powerfull with its meaningful lyrics, beautiful music and Winnerbäcks deep voice - one of my very favorites no doubt. The best in Lars Winnerbäck's music is the feeling.

Check also: Jag har väntat på ett regn (live) ("I have waited for the rain"), Kom änglar with Lisa Ekdahl("Come angels"), I dina ögon ("In your eyes"), Och det blåser genom hallen ("And it blows through the hall"), Innan mörkret faller ("Before darkness comes"), Ingen soldat ("No solder"), Över gränsen ("Over the boundaries"), Min helande tröst ("My healing cosolation"), Vad är det som bekymrar Sara Wehn ("What is that troubles Sara Wehn").

text&music: Lars Winnerbäck

Imorse hängde man Saddam
Jag har ingen skuld i det
Jag kan ha verkat lite tyngd eller nåt
Men det är nog sån jag är

Jag sköt en överdos av Eken
Jag klev över varje gräns
Jag ville vara hjälten eller boven
Jag ville vara nåt som känns

Det är trängre här på gatorna
Fast vi är längre från varann
Det står ett tornhus vid fjärden här
Där inne gör dom vad dom kan

Kanske kommer en förändring
En dag när banden stärks
Kanske finns en plan I huset där
Fast dom vill inte att det märks

*Jag har väntat på ett regn jag kan förlora mig I
Jag hör ett hjärta som slår
Inatt har jag bett för stunden dimman drar förbi
För en välkommen vår *

Vi gick långt här du och jag
Kanske så långt vi kunde gå
Kanske fanns ingen ärlig chans för oss
Men jag ser det inte så

Det är som jag burit en förbannelse
Ibland med ryggen rak
Ibland med både hopp och tro
Men det är ändå samma sak

Jag har spridit lite värme
Jag har spridit lite frost
Jag är varken hjälten eller boven
Jag är bara lite lost

Från fönstret ser jag tidens tand
Kedjor komma och gå
Ingen är del av den här trenden
Alla bara hälsar på

*Jag har väntat på ett regn... *

Jag har köpt så kalla saker
Jag har gått den kalla gatan ner
Nu har jag frusit allt för länge
Jag ska inte vara kall nåt mer

Har du sett nån i ögonen
Jag hittar inte dit
Jag kan inte reglerna i spelet
Men du får gärna komma hit

Nu smakar jag försiktigt
Skiljer varmt ifrån kallt
Jag måste lära mig från grunden
Jag måste omvärdera allt

Du är svår att leva utan
Jag är svår att leva med
Imorse hängde man Saddam i ett rep
Jag har ingen skuld i det

*Jag har väntat på ett regn... *

This morning they hung Saddam
I'm not the one to blame
I may have seemd oppressive or something
But that's just the way I am

I had an overdosis of Eken
I climed over every limit
I wanted to be a hero or a gangster
I wanted to be something that feels

It's more narrow here on the streets
Though we are more far away from each other
There is a tower besidde the open sea
Inside there they do what they can

Perhaps a change will come
One day when chain will break
Maybe they got some plan inside that house there
Though they don't want us to notice it

*I have waited for the rain for to loose myself in it
I hear a heart that beats
Tonight I have beggd for a moment the mist draw away
For a welcome to spring *

We went far here you and me
Maybe so far we could go
Maybe there is no honest chance for us
But that's not the way I see it

It's like I have carried a course
Sometimes holding my head high
Sometimes with both hope and belief
But it is still the same thing

I've spread warmth a little
I've spread coldness a little
I'm not a hero or a gangster
I'm just a little "lost"

From the window I see the tooth of the time
Chains come and go
Nothing is part of this trend
Everybody just says hello

*I have waited for the rain...*

I have bought so cold things
I have walked down the cold street
Now I have been cold foor too long
Ain't gonna be cold anymore

Have you seen something in the eyes
I don't find ther
I can't the rules of this play
But you can come here gladly

Now I taste carefully
Warmth differs from coldness
I have to relearn starting from basics
I have to revalue everything

You are hard to live without
You are hard to live with
This morning thay hung Sanddam with a rope
I'm not the one to blame

*I have wated for the rain...*

August 24, 2010

Mari Boine

photo is from here
Now before new latin artists we head to the North. More closely to the North of Norway. Mari Boine Persen is Sámi singer whose music is somewhere between folk, jazz, rock and world music. Sámi singing is called joik which is the Northern native way to sing. In her music you can also find traces of African traditions. Along with solo career she has composed music inter alia for a German fairytale film adaptation of "Hans and Greta".

In her music Mari Boine has influences of Laestadian movement for her first musical experiments she had inside that group of believers.

The latest album Sterna Paradisea was released in 2009. She has also English tracks but most of the tracks Mari Boine sings in her native language because her lyrics have deep meanings. She also has thought "maybe too much" about her lyrics which are normally about the nature or the struggle between the nature, traditions and the western world. Mari Boine has performed in Europe and USA.

Check also: It šat duolmma mu ("You don't step on me no more"), Idjagiedas ("In the Hand of the night"), Gula Gula ("Hear the voice of the tribe's mothers"), Mu Ustit Engeliid Soglas ("My friend of angel tribe"), Songs & Lyrics & Videos,

text: Rawdna Carita Eira/Mari Boine
melody: Mari Boine/ Svein Schultz/ Ole Jørn Myklebust

Lene Májjá jorada
Johkagierragis riegádan
Lene Májjá diehtá sus ii leat go jođašit 
Guoikkaniski geasuha
Stuora geavgŋá hástala 
Go gullá amas jiena doppe huradeame

Lene Májjá jorada
Buđđosajis besada 
Lene Májjá oaidná movt dál earát jorbbodit
Ii leat mihkkege všalaš 
Son gal dovdá gamus dan
Su čuorvu amas jietna, ii leat ovdal gullan dan
Gii su spihčče 
Gii su vuojet
Álo mannat olgolii
Gii su spihčče
Gii su vuojet
Álo mannat iige bissánit

Lene Májjá jorada
Mággárušša, niegada 
Lene Májjá diehtá áigi hurgá johtlilit
Erát sihtet orustit
Lene Májjá jaskkodit!
Go gullá amas jiena, son bidjala fas

Lene Májjá jorada
Jeagonheapmi, juonalaš
Diktá, atn`al earát jodofierpmis gišvvardit
Joga njálmmi meattilda
Gullá mearra máraida
Son juksá amas jiena, ja suinna juoiggasta

Gii su spihčče 
Gii su vuojet
àlo mannat mannat fal
Gii su spihčče 
Gii su vuojet
Álo mannat iige bissánit


Lene Majja keeps on swirling,
She was spawned at the river's source.
Lene Majja knows she was born to move.
The great waterfall challenges her.
The rapids summon her
As she hears a new humming.

Lene Majja keeps on twirling,
Gets past the weir in the river.
Lene Majja sees others confused.
There is no danger:
She knows deep inside
She has never heard the voice that calls her now.

What is that drives her?
Who is that keeps her moving?
What is that always compels her
To go further and further right to the limits?
Who inspires her to continue and never to settle for less?

Lene Majja keeps on whirling,
Not giving up but dreaming.
Lene Majja knows that passes swftly.
The others try to stop her
And keep her silent!
She hears that enchanting voice and moves on.

Lene Majja keeps swirling.
Disobedient and cunning,
She leaves others to wriggle into the weir net.
She passes the mout of the river,
Hears the roaring of the sea.
She reaches that magical sound
And their voices become one

What is that drives her?
Who is that keeps her moving?
What is that always compels her
To go further and further right to the limits?
Who inspires her to continue and never to settle for less? 

(The lyrics and the translation are from "Sterna Paradisea" album of Mari Boine.)

August 04, 2010

Now there will be a little bit bigger break for I'll go to Spain (yeessss B) !!!) and I hope I have new CD's with me when I come back... 

So ¡adios amigos!

August 01, 2010

Chimène Badi

Chimène Badi is French - Algerian singer. Her first single was "Entre nous" ("Between us") and it was a hit for she was already known from Pop Stars - a French Idol type singing contest. She wasn't the winner but she is very popular in spite of that. Her first album was also a succes: it was the fifth on the  French list of bestsellers in 2003. 

Her musical style is mostly pop but also soul and  R&B. Her voice is deep and strong - stronger than you'd think a 28-years-old woman have.

Chimène has also sang the French version of the theme of the movie "The day after tomorrow" called Le jour d'après("The day after").

This year she has released her fourth album "Laisse-les dire" ("Let them say") and shortened her name. Now her artist name is pithily just Chimène.

Check also: Malgre tout("In spite of everything"), Retomber amoureux ("To fall in love again"), Une femme à qui l'on ment  ("A woman to who they lie"), Le miroir ("The mirror"), Je ne sais pas son nom ("I don't know his/her name"), Je viens du sud ("I come from south"), Tellement beau ("So beautiful"), listen to Chimène Badi's music, Interview (in French).

(text: Elio/Julia Fajerman/Guillaume Dahan
music: Elio/Guillaume Dahan/Gerard Garocci) 

¤ Pourquoi le monde à peur
Qu'est ce qui nous rend si fou
Pourquoi même quand il pleure
On le met à genoux
Pourquoi le monde se meurt
Qu'est ce qui nous tient debout
Pourquoi même dans nos coeurs
On oublie,malgré tout ¤

On dit les lois,l'amour
Les droits et la guerre
J'en vois prier le mal
Et peu s'en défaire

On sacrifie nos frères
On se fait vivre un enfer
Ca tourne à l'envers
Depuis des millénaires

*J'ai mal pour eux
J'ai mal pour nous
Pour nos enfants
C'est plus comme avant*

J'ai mal comme eux
J'ai peur pour vous
Pourquoi ne pas rêver
Que les Hommes puissent vivre en paix

¤ Pourquoi le monde... ¤

On regarde loin devant
Pour ne plus voir dehors
On laisse toujours faire le temps
Pour ne plus voir nos torts

On voudrait d'autre ciel
Et trouver le meilleur
Rêver d'être ailleurs
On en perd l'essentiel

*J'ai mal... *

J'y crois pour eux
J'y crois pour vous
Pourquoi ne pas rêver 
Que les Hommes puissent vivre en paix

¤ Pourquoi le monde... ¤

On voit la Terre pâlire
Le désert grandir
Le sang,les vents ont tourné
Mais rien n'a changé

On est pas éternels
Faut pas perdre l'étincelle

¤ Pourquoi le monde... ¤


¤ Why is the world afraid?
What makes us so crazy?
Alltough he already cries
Why do we force him to his knees?
Why does the world die?
What keeps us standing
Alltough in spite of everything
We forget him in our hearts
We forget - in spite of everything ¤

We say the laws, the love
The rights and the war
I understand to pray for the bad
And to let go a little

We sacrifice our brothers
And we let the hell on
It turns around
After a thousand years

*I'm hurt like you
I'm hurt for us
For our children
It's more than before*

I'm not well like you
I'm afraid for you
Why not dream
That people could live in peace?

¤ Why is the world... ¤

We are looking far to the future
For not to see back anymore
We never try to find time
For to see our faults

We would want to other heaven
And to find the best
Dreaming to be elsewhere
We loose the essential

* I'm hurt.. *

I believe in it for you
I believe in it for us
Why not dream 
That people could live in peace?

¤ Why is the world... ¤

We watch the earth fading away
The deserts growing
The blood and the wind have turned
But nothing has changed
We're not eternal
We cannot loose the spark

¤Why is the world.. ¤