Olivia Ruiz, french singer, composer and lyricist born in Carcassonne to a musical family under the name Olivia Blanc. Later she took her grandmothers maden name Ruiz. Only 15-year-old Olivia founded a rock spirited band Les Five with her friends and later she sang in a duo calles Les Amants.
2001 she signed in a Idols like competition called Star Academy. She was second while Jenifer Bartoli won.
She has released four albums between 2003 and 2009 and one live album in 2010 after a great tourné.
Year 2011 is sacrificed for movie "Un jour mon père viendra" ("One day my dad comes") where Olivia Ruiz plays Chloé. The movie will come out 28.09.2011.
Thoug I myself don't like Idols and stuff like that I have to admit that those programms sometimes do creat something very good...
Style of the music videos of Olivia Ruiz mixes costumes and plays with colours. It brings Christophe Maé into my mind and the coulours are bright as in the movie Amelie. You shoud also listen to the track "Les crêpes aux champignons".
Check also: "Elle panique" ("She paniques"), "Les crêpes aux champignons"("Pancakes of mushrooms"), "Peur du noir" live ("Fear of dark"), "Les météores" ("Meteorites"), MySpace .
Peur de noir is a circus like track with choir musical stylish singing and feeling. I can imagine a twisted clown face bumpin from a box and the dark corners of the frightening room...
(Olivia Ruiz / Olivia Ruiz, Mathias Malzieu)
Je voudrais demander la veilleuse à mamanLa porte ouverte et la lumière du couloir
J'ai peur qu'il vienne se nourrir de mes tourments
J'ai peur qu'il se ramène, j'ai toujours peur du noir
Je le sais, je le sens, un fantôme m'attend
*Grouillez, pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Dansez, je m'ensommeille
Et maman veille*
Je fais le nem dans ma couette mais d'un œil vif je guette
Et j'écoute, j'inspecte de l'air chaque mouvement
L'ombre d'un revenant m'attend
Tapie sous le tapis, je la sais, je la sens
Je la crains, je me tends, elle brûle les rêves des enfants
*Dansez, pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Grouillez, je m'ensommeille
Dansez, pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Jouez, je m'ensommeille
Et maman veille *
Si je fermais les yeux, c'est à l'orée d'un bois
Que je serais coincée, paralysée par l'effroi
Je pleure de les garder écarquillés
Pour ne pas m'y risquer
*Dansez, pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Grouillez, je m'ensommeille
Dansez pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Jouez, je m'ensommeille
Dansez, pépites de peur, dans mon ventre
Grouillez, je m'ensommeille*
I would like to ask for a night light from my mother
The door opens and lights are on in corridor
I fear that it will nurish my agony
I fear what it will bring, I have allways feared the dark
I know it, I feel it, the phantom is waiting for me
*They are teeming, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are dancing, I fall asleep
And my mum stays awake.*
I wrap myself into the blancket but a watch for the vivid eye
And I listen to, I survey every movement
The shadow of a gohst is waiting for me
Lurking on the mat, I know it, I feel it
I'm afraid, I'm nervous, it burns the dreams of children
*They are dancing, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are teeming, I fall asleep
They are dancing, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are playing, I fall asleep
And my mum stays awake*
Closing eyes would be the border of the forrest
Where I'd stuck and be paralyzed by the dread
I cry for to keep my eyes wide open
For not to risk myself
*They are dancing, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are teeming, I fall asleep
They are dancing, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are playing, I fall asleep
They are dancing, the whits of fear, in my stomage
They are teeming, I fall asleep*