July 04, 2010

Calogero & Passi

Now I introduce to you two artists in one. They collaborated in 2004 and here they are: Calogero & Passi.

Calogero Maurici is a French-Italian artist. He performs under his first name Calogero. He is composer, singer and musician. His instruments are Bass, guitar and piano. Style is  pop rock. His career started at the end of 80's and know he is well known and he has collaborated with for example Pascal Obispo and he is now part of Les Enfoirés.

He has wrote no lyrics himself because he can't "find the suitable words". According to Calogero while he writes a song his friends have done an album.
He has got two NRJ Music Awards and many other awards.
His music videos are interesting..

Check also: L'ombre et la lumière ("Shadow and light"), La fin de la fin du monde ("The end of the end of the world"),  En apesanteur ("In Weightlessness"), Pomme C ("Apple C"), C'est dit ("It's said"), Si seulement je pouvais lui manquer ("If I only could miss him/her").

Passi Ballende known as Passi is a French-Congolese rap and hip hop artist. The sixth of seven kids in the family he was born in Congo and moved to the France at the age of seven. Rap music was his passion from very young. He has created his career mostly as a solo artist but he is also known as a member of such bands as Dis l'heure 2 zouk and Bisso Na Bisso and his first band Mistère A.M.E.R. which he foundid with his school mate Stormy Bugsy.The first album Pourquoi tant de haine? ("Why so much hate?") of Mistèr A.M.E.R was released in 1992 and second two years later.

The song "Il fait chaud" ("It's hot") is known from the last episode of Sex & the City.

Passi arranged a project for Redd Cross collection. He managed to unite 78 artist and celebrities to make a music video for to collect money for the Haiti accident. Song is called Un geste pour Haïti, chérie ("A gesture for Haiti, darling")

Check also: Il fait chaud ("It's hot"), Bisso Na Bisso:Nous être nous ("We are we"), Je zappe et je matte ("I channel surf and watch"), Les flammes du mal ("The flames of evil" might be something to do with a French poet Charles Baudelaire and his book Les fleurs du mal ("The flowers of evil")), Le Monde est a moi feat. Akhenaton ("The world is for me"), Chambre de gosses ("Room of kids"), Emeutes ("Riots").

On ne choisit ni son origine, ni sa couleur de peau
Comme on rêve d'une vie de château, quand on vit le ghetto
Naître l'étau autour du cou comme Cosette pour Hugo
Etre en treillis dans le conflit et prier le Très Haut.

Fils du C.O.N.G.O. cette haine j'ai au
M.I.C.R.O. j'ai l'poids des mots
Sortir d'en bas, rêver de déchirer ce tableau
Fait d'armes, de larmes, fait de sang et sanglots.

*Face à la mer
J'aurais dû grandir
Face contre terre
J'aurais pu mourir
Je me relève
Je prends mon dernier rêve*

Tous deux la même dalle
Et tous deux déçus

Je prends mon dernier rêve

La sècheresse sur une terre où on ne cesse de semer
Tristesse dans des yeux qui ne peuvent pleurer
J'ai beaucoup de rêves lointains, je me suis tant rebellé
J'ai bu beaucoup de baratin et ça m'a trop saoulé.
Dans la vie y a les tapes au fond et les tapes à côté
Les "t'as pas un euro ?" ou la tape à l'arrachée

Y a l'Etat, les R.M.istes, les "t'as qu'à taffer"
Si t'es en bas faut cravacher, t'as qu'à pas lâcher.
T'as pas connu ça toi, l'envie d'empocher les patates
Être à gauche droite face à la mer loin des galères.
T'as pas connu ça, l'envie de t'en sortir distribuer des patates
Des gauches droites avec un air patibulaire

*Face à la mer...*

Tous deux la même dalle
Et tous deux déçus

Je prends mon dernier rêve

Face à la mer
C'est toi qui résistes
Face contre terre
Ton nom sur la liste
De tout ton être
Cité à comparaître

C'est l'histoire de cette plume qui s'étouffe dans le goudron
D'cette matière grise dont le pays n'a pas fait acquisition
On se relève, on repart à fond, on vise le Panthéon
J'en place une à ceux qui en ont, qui rêvent consécration
La dalle la niak, je l'ai comme mes potes l'ont
On veut toucher le ciel étoilé sans baisser le pantalon.
Trop peu bonnes fées et trop de cendrillons.
Calo-Passi action

*Face à la mer...*

Tous deux la même dalle
On est tous deux déçus

Je prends mon dernier rêve

Tous deux la même dalle
On vise tous deux au-dessus

Je prends mon dernier rêve

On ne choisit ni son origine, ni sa couleur de peau
Comme on rêve d'une vie de château, quand on vit le ghetto
Naître l'étau autour du cou comme Cosette pour Hugo
Etre en treillis dans le conflit et prier le Très Haut.

Fils du C.O.N.G.O. cette haine j'ai au
M.I.C.R.O. j'ai l'poids des mots
Face à la mer, on veut tous grandir
Calo-Passi, trop jeunes pour mourir


Let's not choose by origine, nor by color of the skin
When we are dreaming of a life in a castle while living in the ghetto 
To born the vice around the neck like Cosette for Hugo 
To born into camo suit to the conflicts and to pray for the highest

Children of C.O.N.G.O. this rage I have against 
M.I.C.R.O. my words are powerful
Out with socks on, dreaming of ripping the painting made of 
Veapons, tears, made of blood and cries

*Face to the sea 

I should have grown
Face against the ground
I could have died
I rise again
I grab my last dream *

Both on the same slab of stone
And both dissappointed

I grab my last dream

It was a drought on a soil or it won't stop seeding 
The sadness to the eyes that cannot cry
I have many distant dreams have rebelled much 
And drunk much of nonsense and that made me too much drunk
In life there are slaps really and hits which do not meet the gole 
The "don't you have an euro?" or hit that rips off, there

Is state, the RMIstes, the "have you something to smoke?"
If you are low one must be whipped, you won't give up
You are not known as yourself, the desire to stick the idiots
To be left-right face to the sea to the gally in the distance
You are not known as yourself, the jealousy let you slip out of shareing the jerk
Left-rights with a look of worry

*Face to the sea...*

Both on the same slab of stone
And both dissappointed

I grab my last dream

Face to the sea
You resist
Face against the ground
Your name on the list
Of your whole existance
Mentioned to arrive to the court

The history of this quill is chocked with tar
This grey material of what the lands are not bulid acquisation 
We do rise, we repair thoroughly, heading to the Pantheon
I place one of those who is there, one who dreams about consecration
"To be voluntarily ready to manage"
We want to touch the sky without lowering the pants
Too few good fairies and too many Cinderellas
Calo – Passi Action

*Face to the sea.. *

Both on the same slab of stone
And both dissappointed

I grab my last dream

Both on the same slab of stone
And both dissappointed

I grab my last dream

Let's not choose by origine, nor by color of the skin
When we are dreming of a life in a castle while living in the ghetto
To born the vice around the neck like Cosette for Hugo
To born into camo suit to the conflicts and to pray for the highest
Children of C.O.N.G.O. this rage I have against
M.I.C.R.O. my words are powerful
Out with socks on, dreaming of ripping the painting made of
Veapons, tears, made of blood and cries

Face to the sea, we all want to grow
Calo – Passi, too young to die

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