April 26, 2010

Ville Pusa

Picture is from here.
Ville Pusa is an in Sweden borned Finnish rock pop musician, songwriter and singer who sings in Swedish. Thanks for the Swedish Teater in Helsinki he was part of a Hype musical project and after that he is known also from other musicals for example Hair, Grease and Saturday Night Fever.

Pusas singer carreer started in 1995 and his first own album "Elva steg" ("Eleven steps") was published in 1998. His single "Du" ("You") was the first Finnish song to be number one on the MTV Nordic list. Pusa is also known as a composer and lyricist and he collaborates with the known finnish artists. Some of his tracks have been in composed for Finnish Idols and Eurovison Contests. Though his life has been a struggle after his wife died of cancer in 2008 (she was only 26 years old) he had continued his carreer as a singer and musical acter and in his private life he is a single parent for a 3-years-old daughter called Dana. Now he has met a lovely woman Riikka Pietilä and they are planning the wedding...


(Ville Pusa)
Det finns så många saker jag vill säga dig
Saker som jag går och bär inom mig
Men hur ska jag någonsin nå dig och din värld

Jag klamrar mig fast och håller hårt, du glider ifrån
Du talar bara om dina drömmar du någon dag ska nå
Du ler och säger allt är bra, fast du gråter ändå

Säg mig vem är du, säg mig vem är jag,
Vilken roll spelar du nu?
Det är så svårt att hitta ut när man lever ett liv som du
Allting som jag gör, allting som vi gjort
Åh, jag orkar inte mer
En ängel faller ner och hon vill bara ha mer

Försöker springa, försöker att gå, men ändå
Vart du än vänder dig så finns det alltid någon som trycker på
Så när festen tagit slut, står du ensam kvar

Det finns så många saker jag vill säga dig....

There are so many things I want to say to you
Things I go and carry inside me
But how I'll never reach you or your world
I stick to and hold on tight, you slip away
You talk only about your dreams you someday can reach
You smile and say everything's okay, though you still cry
*Tell me who you are, tell me who I am
Who are you now trying to be?
It's hard to find out when you live a life you do
Everything you do, everything we've done
Oh, I can't stand anymore
An angel falls down and she just wants more*
Try to run, try to walk, but still
Wherever you turn to there's always someone to press
So when party's over, you stay standing alone
There are so many things I want to say to you
*Tell me who you are..*

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